Ashland Pinball League
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James A Clevette

Active from 09/26/2023 through 04/23/2024.

Played 2 seasons, 8 meets, 40 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Attack From Mars 759,709,530 1,508,240,070 323,193,650 4
Attack From Mars 970,157,190 1,461,219,840 479,094,540 2
Foo Fighters 22,024,600 26,180,370 17,868,830 2
Foo Fighters 16,472,310 23,203,310 6,949,400 5
Godzilla 14,737,090 21,596,790 7,877,380 2
Godzilla 51,369,510 106,584,640 17,156,820 6
Jaws 37,331,730 106,244,210 14,642,220 5
Jurassic Park 18,646,120 20,185,570 17,106,660 2
Sorcerer 412,340 1,018,270 78,710 4
Stranger Things 52,329,660 119,934,460 17,245,800 6
Venom 213,819,290 296,769,600 130,868,980 2

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Ashly Kron7370.00%
Brandon Blaszkowski51033.33%
Isaiah Deragon2340.00%
James Clevette2340.00%
Jen Ahlstrom5550.00%
Ken Lee7370.00%
Matt Johnson6940.00%
Michael Martin3260.00%
Mike Oglesby8753.33%
Sadira Burgess3730.00%
Victor Mitchell7846.67%

Badges Awarded (8)

Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 04/09/2024 (Ashland Pinball League Spring 2024 meet 4)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 04/09/2024 (Ashland Pinball League Spring 2024 meet 4)
Crushing Victory
Crushing Victory
Earned for winning a game with 4 league points.

Earned 10/03/2023 (Ashland Pinball League Fall 2023 meet 2)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 10/03/2023 (Ashland Pinball League Fall 2023 meet 2)
Earned for winning your group when everyone in the group set personal season high scores.

Earned 10/03/2023 (Ashland Pinball League Fall 2023 meet 2)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 10/03/2023 (Ashland Pinball League Fall 2023 meet 2)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 10/03/2023 (Ashland Pinball League Fall 2023 meet 2)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 09/26/2023 (Ashland Pinball League Fall 2023 meet 1)